AJA Honorary Life President GAY KINDERSLEY dies


The AJA are very sad to announce the death of their Honorary Life President, legendary amateur rider Gay Kindersley, who died earlier today aged 80.

Champion amateur jockey in 1959-60, Gay broke his back five years later but rode again against medical advice.  His last winning ride was for Fegentri in Belgium and he trained at East Garston after retiring from the saddle.  Amongst his horses owned was Carrickbeg, just beaten by Ayala in the 1963 Grand National ridden by Lord Oaksey, and Gay often reminisced about the race and the party afterwards which cost more than his placed prize money!

Gay’s health deteriorated in recent months and he retired as AJA President in December to be appointed Honorary Life President.  Following a small stroke on Tuesday, he was admitted to hospital where he unexpectedly died on Thursday.

Numerous tributes have poured in which include:

  • Nicky Henderson: “The Lambourn Valley has sadly lost one of its greatest treasures and undoubtedly one of the greatest characters that ever graced the turf.  Gay was a friend to all.  He will always be remembered as a legendary amateur rider, trainer and Jockey Club member but, above all, one of the greatest raconteurs who could light up a party at the flick of a finger.  Gay was so special to us all.”
  • Jamie Osborne:  “Gay was a tremendous character who was so kind to me when I first arrived in Lambourn in the 1980s.  We remained close friends and I’ll miss him desperately.  Although there was an age difference between us you’d never know it.  Sometimes I had to tell him to grow up! He lived life to the full and will be fondly remembered by everyone privileged to know him.”
  • Marcus Armytage:  “Gay was an inspiration to all amateurs.  He loved life and no doubt will be having a party right now.  When I rode in the Fegentri series for amateurs in Europe he was my chaperone but I always ended up looking after him.”

Funeral arrangements are yet to be announced and are delayed because of the Bank Holidays.

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