Serena Brotherton and Simon Walker take the Amateur Flat Jockey Championships again



Having said goodbye to the Flat season last weekend, the Amateur Flat Jockey Championships of 2016 are published in today’s Racing Post, although in fact our last ladies race was at Newbury on 21st October and our last race for amateur gentleman at Nottingham on Wednesday 2nd November.

You can be forgiven for a feeling of deja vu with Serena Brotherton once again crowned Champion Lady Amateur Jockey and Simon Walker Gemma Glover crowned Champion Gentleman Amateur Jockey for the umpteenth time! Both Champions enjoyed 7 wins this season apiece and we send them both very many congratulations.

Catherine Walton and Amie Waugh were next in line for the ladies’ title with 3 wins apiece, whilst Carol Bartley and Becky Smith enjoyed 2. Joanna Lucy Mason gave Serena an anxious mid-season battling to lead the tables but Serena forged ahead late on to take the season 2 wins clear of her nearest rival. Well done ladies on a great season, and congratulations to all lady riders who rode winners.

A new name emerged in the gentleman’s ranks with 16 year-old Bruce Lynn showing precocious talent and being rewarded with the runner-up slot in the Gentleman’s Championship with 4 wins, 1 ahead of Ross Birkett. Many congratulations to Simon and to Bruce and also of course to all gentlemen jockeys who rode winners this season.

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