Ladies Flat Championship hots up at Redcar


Untitled 5 13.03.56A bonus for the girls today in the form of an additional race with this afternoon’s ladies race at Redcar divided. This adds to the season’s dramatic battle for the ladies Flat championship with this season’s Arabian champion lady jockey Jo Mason currently leading the ladies on 5 wins which include successes at both York (Queen Mother’s Cup) and Epsom (Ladies Derby) with her mother’s TAPIS LIBRE trained by cousin Jacqueline Coward.

Breathing down Jo’s neck are both past multiple lady champions Carol Bartley and Serena Brotherton currently sharing runner-up slot with 4 wins each. Carol’s highest profile win this season was the Silk Series win against lady professionals at Newcastle with Ian Jardine’s ARCHIPELIGO as well as success at Newbury of the Betfred Ladies Derby with William Haggas’s MAM’SELLE.

Waiting in the wings on 3 wins each are Abbie McCain, who has enjoyed a great season and is this year’s Betfair Novice Rider Series winner, and Jessica Cooley who enjoyed early season prominence in the tables.

We wish them all good luck with Newbury hosting the final ladies race of the season next Saturday, but with the current positions so tight, the mixed races at Doncaster on 27th October and Nottingham on 1st November could play a significant part in the final result of this championship. Go girls!

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