Following a period of consultation with industry stakeholders, the BHA Board has approved changes to the Rules of Racing regarding safety vests which come into force from 1st October 2018:
- Level 1 safety vests to be replaced by Level 2 safety vests EN 13158:2009 or 2018
- Weight allowance: an extra 1 lb in addition to the current 2 lbs making a total of 3 lbs allowance for the vest
The amended rules are as follows:
For implementation from October 1st 2018
Schedule (D)2 – Equipment PART 1
Design of safety vests
6. A safety vest is approved by the Authority if it meets (BS) EN 13158: 2009 or 2018.
7. The minimum acceptable standard for a safety vest is Level 2
8. A safety vest must not be
8.1 modified in any way, or
8.2 attached to the horse or any equipment carried by the horse.
Rule (B)22 – Weighing out procedure
22.6 The Clerk of the Scales will not allow a Rider to be weighed out for any race unless he is wearing a safety vest which conforms to a standard approved by the Authority (see Rule (D)36 (safety vests, skull caps and saddles)).
22.7 Rule (D)42 (weighing out) specifies requirements applying to a Rider on weighing out, including the items he must include in the scale.
22.8 Overweight will be rounded down to the nearest 1lb unit.
22.9 Subject to Paragraph 22.10, to compensate for being required to wear a safety vest, the weight of a Rider on weighing out will automatically be allowed at 3lbs less than the weight that is registered on the scale (factored into the calibration of the Weighing Room scales).
22.10 During the months of December, January and February, to compensate for wearing a safety vest and extra clothing, the weight of the Rider on weighing out for a flat race will automatically be allowed at 4lbs less than the weight that is registered on the scale (factored into the calibration of the Weighing Room scales).

Applications are invited for Greatwood’s charity race which is held each year at Newbury Racecourse the first Saturday in March.
We have already received many enquiries about this race but there is still time to register your name if you would like to take part. Please note that all riders must provide their own horses.
Please in the first instance e-mail sph.oliver@btinternet.com for race conditions and an application form.
For more information on Greatwood please click here:

Make it your New Year’s Resolution to get fit and raise money for the
(Applications by Monday 7 December,
successful applicants notified by Monday 21 December)
The Stewards of The British Horseracing Authority have granted exemptions from the effects of Rule 204 (ii)(6) for this race as it is being run outside the Rules of Racing therefore it will not count for any purpose on the horse’s career record.
Race Conditions
1 mile 1 furlong Flat Race
Maximum field of 12
Minimum weight to be carried 11st 7lbs
For horses 4 years old and upwards, currently in training, who must have run at least 3 times under the recognised Rules of Racing
For horses rated 80 and below on the flat, or 120 under National Hunt rules
Entry Fee – Riders pledge to raise at least £3,000 to be donated to Macmillan
There will be a prize for the rider who raises the most sponsorship money
Mementoes to all jockeys and a prize for the winner
The Charity Race is run outside the ‘Rules of Racing’ and will take place after the last race of the afternoon at approximately 5pm.
12 riders will be chosen and notified by Monday 22 December, with 2 reserves. The places are offered at the discretion of the Racecourse whose aim for the Race is to raise donations for Macmillan Cancer Support. Successful riders are asked to meet the sponsorship targets listed below. The Racecourse reserves the right to withdraw a rider’s place if it feels that the rider is not able to raise the target sponsorship for Macmillan Cancer Support, and the place offered to a reserve rider.
Forfeit Stages for Sponsorship
Riders pledge to raise at least £3,000 sponsorship to be banked with Macmillan Cancer Support or on justgiving.com in the following stages:
A minimum of £1,000 by March 1 2016
A minimum of a further £1,000 by May 1 2016
A minimum of a further £1,000 by June 1 2016
Compulsory Requirements
Minimum age of rider 16 years.
Riders are to wear skullcaps and body protectors as under the Rules of Racing.
All riders that are confirmed to ride in the race must ensure they have participated in a one day training course at either the British Racing School or Northern Racing College. The course is designed to assess a rider’s competence and fitness and prepare them for the experience of riding in a race. Those riders who are required to attend are required to cover the cost of the course themselves (around £180).
The following categories of people are exempt from obligatory attendance at a charity race riders training course:
Current Holders of a jockey’s licence
Former holders of a jockey’s licence (Unless the licence was revoked for medical reasons)
Stable Staff (Who must present written confirmation from their employer that they ride out on a regular basis)
Professional Hunt Staff
Anyone who has completed five or more point to points or Arab races in the last five years
Licensed Trainers (Who must provide evidence that they ride out on a regular basis)
Event riders that have competed at Intermediate level and won at least 30 eventing points.
All riders should be responsible for their own insurance.
On acceptance into the race it is the riders’ responsibility to source a horse suitable for the race and make all necessary arrangements for the day of the race.
All horses must be vaccinated in accordance with Rule 35 of the Rules of Racing.
Each Horse must be accompanied by an up to date Horse Passport.
York Racecourse will have the final decision on all applicants’ eligibility to ride in the Macmillan Charity Race.
Each declared runner will be entitled to six complimentary Owner and Trainers badges for the owner of the horse and four complimentary lunch vouchers for the Owners and Trainers Restaurant. In addition the rider will receive two Owners and Trainers badges.
To download the application form please click on the link below: